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Transport and Logistics

Ethiopia to Build New Dry Ports in Hawassa and Jimma


The Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise (ESLSE) announced that it would start construction of dry port terminals in Hawassa and Jimma within the next few months. Expansion works are also underway on 8 existing dry ports to facilitate logistics and meet the demands of customers.


Ethiopian Airlines Becomes the Fastest Growing Airline Brand, Brand Finance

Ethiopian Airlines

Brand Finance named Ethiopian Airlines the fastest-growing airline brand globally, as the company announced the world's top 50 most valuable and strongest airline brands. The company’s 2023 report on the most valuable and strongest airline brands shows that Ethiopian Airlines, which is Africa's largest passenger and cargo carrier, has experienced a growth of 79%. It values the brand of the Ethiopian flag carrier to be USD 498 million.


Ethiopia: Ethio-Djibouti Railway Transports Trucks


Ethio-Djibouti Standard Gauge Railway S.C. (EDR) revealed that it was expanding its services and increasing its capacity. The company has begun transporting medium and heavy trucks from Djibouti to Addis Ababa. Accordingly, 63 trucks arrived in the Ethiopian capital yesterday.


Ethiopian Airlines Aims to Become Carbon Neutral by 2050

Ethiopian Airlines Logo

Girma Wake, the Board Chair of Ethiopian Airlines Group, has confirmed that the company is taking steps to develop aviation fuel that will not harm the environment. He stated that Ethiopian Airlines Group had completed a study to create environmentally friendly aviation fuel locally and was in discussion with both the government and private sector to implement such plans. This helps the company to keep up with industry developments by exploring new methods and strategies.


Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Hosts a Workshop on Accelerating the Single African Air Transport Market

Civil Aviation Authority Logo

The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority, in partnership with the African Civil Aviation Commission, has organized a two days’ workshop under the theme “The Acceleration of the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) Ethiopian Stakeholders Roadshow” with a view to accelerating the Single African Air Transport Market. The workshop will be held between May 10 and 11, 2023, in Addis Ababa.