Advertising your business, product or service on is a smart way to grow your business. Advertise on 2merkato and reach hundreds of thousands of business owners, executives, procurement managers, foreign and domestic investors, and foreign buyers and suppliers.
How can I Advertise on
- You can feature list your company on the business directory. This serves as a B2B platform and you can be seen by tens of thousands of buyers and sellers from Ethiopia and abroad. These sellers and buyers use the B2B platform on to find businesses. By taking this option, you will also be able to have full access to our tender service. Details of "Featured Listing" can be found here.
- You can use banner advertising which gives you better exposure. We provide banner spaces on the various pages and sections of the website Details can be found here.
- You can post your tenders or bids on 2merkato Tenders and reach more vendors. The combined screen and page views of 2merkato Tenders is nearly two million one hundred thousand (2.1 million) per month. You can find more by following this link here.
Three reasons why you should advertise on 2merkato:
- 2merkato is tightly focused on connecting local businesses with local businesses and to international businesses. A kind of environment you find when participating in B2B bazaars. Business owners, executives, marketing professionals, foreign and local investors, and entrepreneurs from Ethiopia and more than 170 countries frequent the website. You will find Opportunities from Ethiopia and Beyond!
Where do you get this kind of crowd at one place 24/7?
In its business directory featured listing, it has probably the cheapest advertising options available in Ethiopia for values it can add to your business. For Br. 5000 + VAT per year, even businesses with tight budgets can put their company profile, product/service details and pictures, and their addresses and get buyers and sellers from Ethiopia and beyond.
- Digital marketing is taking away great portions of traditional media revenue in developed and developing courtiers. We have begub to see the same trend in our country. Digital marketing is effective, cheap and versatile. It’s a wise business decision to seriously consider digital marketing as one of your marketing options. Be smart, stay one step ahead of your competitors. If you have anything you can’t understand or you have some doubts about, we are here to help. We can consult you on one-on-one basis.
Is It Effective?
Companies and organisations have been advertising their services, products, and tenders/bids. 2merkato has some notable clients such as United Nations, Ethio Telecom, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Zemen Bank, GIZ, Steely R.M.I, GM Furniture, etc. Tens of thousands of Small and Medium Enterprises from Ethiopia and foreign countries use our services
All these companies have benefited from the services of
- Exporters have been contacted by buyers from abroad through
- Organisations have broadened their vendor base by advertising their tender requirements on
- Importers have been contacted by sellers with a better price and quality.
- Service providers, manufacturers, engineering companies have been able to sell more products and services as result of advertising on
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