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COMESA Study Reveals Ethiopian Manufacturing Uncompetitive

A study conducted by the Common Market of Eastern and Southern revealed that Ethiopia’s manufacturing secure is not yet ready to be competitive internationally and is showing little sign of improvement.

The study was commissioned by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and financed by the COMESA secretariat.

Problems noted by the study include slow productivity, high production costs, shortage and low quality of raw materials, shortage in foreign exchange, lack of skilled manpower, and frequent power interruptions.

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Moha Soft Drinks, Ethiopia Drills Water Well

Moha Soft Drinks, producer of Pepsi products in Ethiopia, is set to extract 300,000 liters of ground water every day from a well drilled on the premises of its plant in the Teklehaymanot area of Addis Ababa.

The plant, which produced 17,000 cases of soft drinks per day, had stopped production over the past month due to water shortages, creating a scarcity of Pepsi products on the local market.

The shortage in Pepsi products has affected consumers in Addis Ababa and surrounding areas according to retailers.

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Hydrogen Peroxide Factory to be Built in Ethiopia

The Awash Melkasa Aluminum Sulfate and Sulfuric Acid Factory announced plans to establish a hydrogen peroxide factory in Ethiopia.

The hydrogen peroxide factory, which will begin construction soon will cost an estimated 155 million birr according to Admasu Tabaeto, Production and Technical Support Process Owner with Awash Melkasa.

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Assela Malt Factory, Ethiopia to Increase Production

Assela Malt Factory, Ethiopia is to launch another production facility to increase the company’s production capacity to 61, 000 tons, an increase of 144%.

The new addition to the factory is expected to cost 280 million birr.

The malt factory made the decision to expand due to the increasing demand for malt on the national market forcing beer factories to import malt according to Kiros Abreha General Manager of Assela Malt Factory.

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BGI Ethiopia Inaugurates Billion Birr Factory

BGI Ethiopia inaugurated a new billion birr factory in Hawassa, Southern Regional State. The new factory has the capacity to produce 500,000 hectoliters every year.

BGI completed the factory, built on a seven hectare plot of land, in 14 months. The company expects to serve markets in the Southern and Western parts of the country and parts of Eastern Ethiopian.

The new factory is equipped with cutting edge European technology including a new high tech, 25 million US dollar waste management plant on the factory grounds.

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Eight New Textile Projects to Become Operational in Ethiopia

Eight new textile projects and expansion programs are expected to become operational in Ethiopia this fiscal year. The projects are scheduled for completion with a combined investment of over 4.4 billion birr.

Five of the projects underway are being newly constructed at a total estimated cost of 3.4 billion birr and are expected to employ 3000 people.

The remaining three projects are initiatives to expand existing plants at a total cost of more than a billion birr to offer employment for a further 1800 people.

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