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Artisan Mining Growing in Ethiopia

The mining production potential of artisan miners in Ethiopia and their ability to generate income has grown in the past few years announced the Ministry of Mines.

The productivity and livelihood of the artisan miners has improved following the set up of the Artisan Minerals Directorate with the ministry said Bacha Faji, Director of Public Relations and Communication Directorate with of MoM.

In the past the poor network among producers, brokers and exporters in the middle had all resulted in a significant amount of illegal contraband trade of minerals resulting in low revenue from the sector said Bacha.

The MoM is actively issuing licenses for artisan mining, as well as for brokers and exporters enhancing the productivity and income of the traditional producers and their share of the national revenue he noted.

Artisan miners are actively involved in the production of a range of minerals in various parts of Ethiopia. The minerals that are extracted by traditional mining include gold, emerald, tantalum and opal.

Source: Walta Info