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Ethiopian National Coffee Association Established

Five coffee associations established Ethiopian National Coffee Association today in Addis Ababa after four years of preparation.

The association is expected to contribute to the development of coffee and coffee farmers. It will work towards insuring farmers with a view to protecting them from the effect of the global coffee market. It will also target problems seen in the supply of inputs for coffee farmers.

Ethiopia exported 300,000 tons of coffee to the international market and obtained a record USD 1.4 billion during the 2021/2022 fiscal year. It is aiming to increase coffee export to USD 4.6 billion within 15 years and its global coffee market share to 1.26 million Metric Tons by 2033. By increasing the export volume, Ethiopia also plans to increase its farmers’ income from the product to USD 3.5 billion and provide employment opportunity for 2.7 million people.

Source: Fana BC

Additional source: Walta Media Communication Corporate