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Trade Ministry Aims to Boost Ethiopia’s Forex Earnings

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The Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration (MoTRI) is taking a multi-pronged approach to boost Ethiopia's foreign exchange earnings. Its strategy centers on increasing the volume of exports, diversifying the products exported, and raising quality standards.

Tesfaye Tadesse, an International Relations Expert at MoTRI, highlighted the government's plans to introduce new export products and improve quality. Initiatives like contract farming and investment in agriculture are key to achieving these goals. Close monitoring safeguards the legality and timely delivery of exports.

While the past six months saw Ethiopia fall short of the two-billion-dollar export target, there were positive developments. The country secured USD 1.572 billion in exports, with a significant portion (USD 402 million) coming from a wider range of commodities.

The focus on quality has paid off, particularly in grain exports, where a substantial revenue increase was recorded. Coffee, flowers, and other agricultural products also played a major role in export earnings.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald