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Ethiopia Earns $1 Billion from Exports

Ethiopia earned one billion US dollars from the export sector in just the last five months according to an announcement by the Ministry of Trade.

The revenue earned over this period has exceeded the revenue raised over the same period in the last fiscal year by 108.6 million US dollars said Amakele Yimam, Head of Publications and Communications with the ministry

A significant portion of the revenue raised came from the export of gold and coffee according to Amakele. Cereals, oilseeds, flowers and live animals were also significant contributors to the increased export revenue he added.

The export of manufactured and processed goods such as leather and leather products, textile and garment, vegetables and fruits, spices and meat alone raised an estimated 140 million US dollars according to Amakele.

It is to be remembered that the Ministry of Trade is expecting to earn 5 billion US dollars from foreign exports in the current fiscal year according to the projections it announced at the beginning of the budget year.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency