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Ethiopian Pea Exports Increasing

Pea exports from Ethiopia have shown significant increases with more than 162 tons of fresh peas worth an estimated 500 thousand Euros exported in the just concluded financial year.

Snow peas and sugar snap are the major varieties being exported to South Africa and Europe with seven farms growing and exporting peas in the 2011-12 financial year.

There were only three farms and peas were not a major vegetable export in the previous budget year said Yelak Negash, General Manager of Akirma Agro Service plc.

Akrima, an agricultural consultant, has offered full managerial services and technical assistance link domestic growers with the international market and buyers in Europe said Yelak.

Akrima expects the number of farms cultivating peas to grow to allow for a 13% increase in the export of fresh peas in the new financial year he said.

The consultants are also working on adding more vegetables for export according to Yelak.

Sunripe Kenya Ltd is a company that is a major fresh pea buyer for the European market working closely with Akirma sias Gebremichael Habte, Country Repersentative of Sunripe.

Sunripe has been working with Ethiopian workers to export fresh peas to the international market since 2010 he noted.

Source: Capital