Bavaria N.V. Acquires Two Seats on Habesha Board

Dutch based shareholder of Habesha brewery, Bavaria N.V. acquired two seats on the board of the Ethiopian brewery according to the elections by the general assembly at Addis Ababa Exhibition Center this week.

The Dutch brewer will have 40% representation on the board while the other three seats on the board will be taken by former members of the brewery board, Mesfin Abi, Nahusenaye Araya and Eskinder Desta.

Bavaria will assign two representatives and the new chair of the board will be elected by the new board.

It is to be remembered that Bavaria bought a 35% share of Habesha brewery valued at 87.5 million birr.

Habesha went public with 250 thousand shares valued at 1,000 birr each last year collecting 162.6 million birr since in what has been considered one the more successful sale of shares in Ethiopia.

With Bavaria as the majority shareholder of the brewery it is expected that the Development Bank of Ethiopia to launch the project shortly.

Habesha signed a turnkey contract with Lehui Food Machinery in September of 2011 to construct the brewery plant in 15 months at a total cost of 510 million birr.

The brewery plant will have the potential to produce 300 thousand hectoliters every year with plans in place for an additional expansion to enhance capabilities to 500 thousand hectoliters.

The brewery is expected to commence production in the first half of 2013.

Source: Capital