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Ethiopia: Afar's Mines Resource Development and Job Creation Bureau Aims to Increase Revenue

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The Afar State Mines Resource Development and Job Creation Bureau is actively working to increase revenue from the mining sector and tap into the untapped potential of the region. Its goal for the current fiscal year is to collect Birr 50 million from mines, with a focus on enhancing the sector's revenue. In the previous year, It successfully collected Birr 35 million Birr, in line with the region's target.

The state has started awarding groups depending on the quantity of gold they supply to the central bank in an effort to foster a favorable climate for miners. Better-performing associations have received gold melting and searching equipment to help them with their operations. There are about 1200 members in over 12 artisanal associations in Afar.

Challenges in the mining sector include parallel markets and traditional gold extraction methods. The bureau stated that it was ready to provide seamless support to investors and youth interested in engaging in legal business within the mining sector. In addition, it is conducting a research in three areas to look into potential alternative mineral resources in addition to the well-known minerals like gold, salt, copper, manganese, and building materials. The goal of this research is to find fresh mining prospects and advance the industry. In order to study the region's mineral resources and assist artisanal organizations in obtaining gold and other precious metals, the bureau is working closely with Semera University. Their strategy calls for a rise in artisanal associations as well as increased job prospects in the mining industry.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald