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Ethiopia: Kenticha Aims to Become the First Lithium Producer in East Africa

Lithium Lithium

Kenticha Mining (KMPLC) is poised to become the first producer of lithium in East Africa, with production scheduled to commence within the next three months. The company has already invested Birr 80 billion in the project, which is anticipated to generate 1,000 job opportunities.

Ali Hussein, a Board Member of KMPLC, stated that extensive efforts have been undertaken to identify and confirm the presence of lithium in the Kenticha area. Samples have been sent overseas for testing, and the company is confident in the discovery of a significant lithium deposit. The company aims to generate USD 1.2 billion from annual exports.

Furthermore, KMPLC has procured a processing plant dedicated to the extraction of lithium from the ore. The plant is expected to arrive in Ethiopia in September and will have a production capacity of 270 tons of lithium per hour.

KMPLC has already entered into an agreement with a Saudi Arabian company to supply lithium products, and discussions are underway with other potential buyers.

Beyond lithium production, KMPLC also intends to mine tantalum from the Kenticha area. Tantalum is a rare metal utilized in various products such as mobile phones and computers.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald