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Ethiopia: Oromia Calls Mining Companies for Re-registration

Oromia Mine Development Authority

Oromia Mineral Development Authority called investors and associations that are engaged in the mining industry across Oromia to re-register their business between May 17 and 20, 2023. The Authority stated that smuggling and widespread illegal activities in the mining industry had become bottlenecks for the proper management of the industry in the region.

With a view to addressing the problem and enhance the region’s mining industry, the Authority is carrying out various activities. Accordingly, a new mining development standard is issued and there are plans to amend the existing mining development agreements. The Authority warned that any company or entity which would not be registered until May 20 would be considered illegal.

Oromia is reported to have untapped mineral potentials. However, the Regional State has only availed 10% of its mineral resources. The Oromia Mineral Development Authority was reorganized in 2019 with the aim of improving its working capacity. Gold, copper, coal, emerald, and gypsum are some of the minerals that are found in the Regional State.

Source (including image): Ethiopian News Agency
Additional source: 2Merkato Archives