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Ethiopian Electric Utility Sees Nationwide Coverage of Electricity Supply by 2030

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Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) announced its plans to increase its customers to 7.5 million in 2030. The company’s Chief Executive Officer, Shiferaw Telila, stated that EEU was also working to expand its supply coverage and provide electric supply across entire country by 2030. In order to achieve this plan, EEU aims to modernize its infrastructure, provide customer-oriented services, and build a reliable financial capacity.

The company needs USD 12 billion to fulfill its plans while the geographical landscape of the country, financial constraints, and low number of customers are raised as constraints. EEU currently has 4.5 million customers.

EEU is a Government-owned company which is in charge of the distribution of electricity throughout Ethiopia and the construction and maintenance of electric lines, energy management, the purchase of wholesale electricity, sales to customers, and development of tariff proposals.

Ethiopia’s capacity to generate hydro electric power has increased from 850 MW to 4300 MW during the past 10 years. It is expected that the country’s power generating capacity will reach 17 thousand MW once the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and other hydro-electric dam projects are completed.

Source: Addis Zemen and EEU Customers’ Satisfaction Survey 2022