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Ethiopian Capital Proposes 16 Billion Birr Budget

The city administration of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia proposed a 16 billion birr preliminary budget for the next financial year. The budget gives priority to water and sewerage services which make up 13% of the financial plan.

The preliminary budget prepared by the Finance and Economic Development Bureau of the city will be tabled before the Addis Ababa cabinet which is chaired by Kuma Demkssa Mayor of the city.

The proposed budget is 4.2 billion birr more than that for the current fiscal year.

Water and sewerage services take the biggest portion of the budget for the second year in a row being allocated 2.09 billion birr. The budget for the services is 47% higher then what was allocated in the current fiscal year.

The second largest portion of the budget is marked for the road construction sector which has been allocated 1.5 billion birr in the proposed budget.  

It is to be remembered that the City Administration made water and sewerage its top priority over the road development sector in a bid to improve the 73% water supply coverage of the city at the beginning of the current financial year.

The water coverage has increase to 93% due to projects funded by the 1.4 billion birr allocated to the sector this year.

A major portion of the budget allocated to water and sewerage services this year will go towards improving Addis Ababa’s sewerage system which has received little attention so far according to an official with the AAWSA.

The authority has plans to construct sewage treating plants in Akaki Kality and in Kotebe in the next fiscal year to primarily connect with the sewerage lines in condominium housing it was learned.

Source: Addis Fortune