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Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise Aims to Expand Services to Neighboring Countries

ECAE Ethiopian Conformity

The Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise (ECAE) is expanding its services to the Horn of Africa region to generate income. ECAE has been modernizing its testing laboratory and inspection and certification services to provide quality and effective services.

The enterprise has also been nominated to evaluate the issue of trade input in the common market of East and South Africa. The enterprise is working to build strong capacity and increase its income while benefiting nations.

ECAE has been offering testing, inspection, and certification services to Djibouti, Addis Ababa, and branches across the region, and has helped Ethiopia's products gain acceptance in international markets. ECAE is the major conformity assessment organization in Ethiopia that provides testing laboratory, inspection, and certification services to the industry and the public.

The enterprise gained international recognition and offered 22,334 products quality testing laboratory, export and import products inspection, and certification services in the 2022/23 fiscal year.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald