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Bazra Motors, Russia's UAZ To Set Up Car Assembly Plant in Ethiopia

uaz-bazraEthiopia's Bazra Motors has signed a deal with the Russia-based Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAZ) to establish a car assembly plant in Ethiopia. The plant will be located in the city of Kombolcha.

Bazra Motors and UAZ have agreed to jointly set up a vehicle assembling and maintenance plant, following the visit of UAZ representatives to Ethiopia last week.

The Russian Embassy in Addis Ababa stated a delegation from UAZ "visited Ethiopia on April 21- 26" and it "held negotiations with the leadership of the Ethiopian company Bazra Motors."

As per the agreement entered, a plant to manufacture a "wide range of UAZ vehicles on the basis of Bazra Motors production facilities in the city of Kombolca, Amhara [regional state]" will be established.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald