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Ethio-German Konnect, to Promote Business Networking

Ethio-German Konnect (EGK), a forum and networking event, was opened on Wednesday. The business forum is expected to create business opportunities for Ethiopian and German entrepreneurs.

The three day event will present various elements of Ethio-German business relations including private sector development partnership, investments and joint ventures.

EGK is organized by the Returning Experts Program of the Center for International Migration and Development.

The aim of the event is to provide opportunities for businesses of both countries said Kokebe Haile Gebriel Coordiantor of the Returning Experts Program of the Center for International Migration and Development.

The event also hopes to give a platform for returned experts to venture into Ethiopian business according to Kokebe. The emigration of Ethiopian professionals can be reversed if they are enabled to take part in supporting the economic development of the country Kokebe explained.

The EGK event is a significant opportunity to foster connection, networking and collaboration between Ethiopian and German companies said Kokebe.

The EGK aims to transport different elements of Ethio-German business relations including Ethiopian and German innovation on agriculture, construction and energy.

The EGK further aims at promoting an innovative and vibrant image of German & Ethiopian business engagement to relevant stakeholders at its Entrepreneur Networking Social Setting, where key players can come together to share their knowledge & make connections where necessary according to a profile.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency