The importance of standards to Ethiopian business was underscored at the celebration of the the World Standards 2011. Standards play a very important role in technology transfer according to the Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA). The role standards play is especially important to enable developing countries like Ethiopia to benefit from new technologies said Almaz Kahsay ESA, Director General.
Standards will also help promote trust between clients and the business community while reinforcing national and international regulations to establish a fair trade system according to Almaz. Standards also help to ensure fair and convenient circulation of products and services internationally, she said at a press conference to mark the Work Standards Day 2011.
The World Standards Day 2011 was commemorated for the 15th time Ethiopia and 42nd time internationally under the theme of “International Standards Creating Confidence Globally.” The members of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) were instrumental in celebrating the Day.
The commemoration of this day establishes opportunities for increased access to products and services said Almaz. Over 8000 standards are in place Ethiopia and 389 of these are compulsory. The compulsory standards are influential in monitoring and inspection of import and export products she explained.
The ESA, was established in 1970 and is the national body in charge of standards in Ethiopia. The agency advances quality management practices, certification, oversees standards development, testing and metrology.
Source: Ethiopia Press Agency