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Elsewedy to Produce Power Saving Bulbs in Ethiopia

Elsewedy Cables Ethiopia will begin producing transformer and power saving bulbs next year. This will be part of the 20 million US dollars investment the Egyptian company is expected to make in the coming year according to Ibrahim Qamar, Elsewedy General Manger.

Elsewedy is responding to the increased preference of power saving bulbs over conventional ones by the Ethiopian government which has led to more demand said Ibrahim.

The company will install a production plan on 20,000m2 of land in the Oromia Regional State he added. Elsewedy has paid an estimated 1.8 million birr for the resettlement of people on the land and hopes to take charge of the land in the next month said Ibrahim.

Elsewedy is a major producer of cable in Ethiopia producing approximately 10,000 tonnes of cable a year. Half of Elsewedy produces is utilized by thr Ethiopian Electric and Power Corporation. The company expects most of the new products to be for the local markets according to according to Ibrahim.

Elsewedy Cables Ethiopia began operation in Ethiopia two years ago with an initial outlay of 60million US dollar.

Elsewedy is currently in negotiations to lease 2 million m2 of land to construct a complex of 100-120 factories at a cost of 300 million US dollars. The first phase of the projected is expected to be completed in a two-year-and-half period of time from the commencement of the project. The overall project is planned to be completed in five to seven years.

Source: The Reporter