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Ethiopia: Teklebrhan Ambaye Formed JV with American Firm

Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction S.C., a local construction firm, formed an alliance with the Miami based Pinnacle—Berlani Partnerships to form a joint venture (JV) real estate that uses Cellular Light Concrete (CLC).

p>According to The Reporter, CLC is the latest technology which is used for lightweight concrete blocks made of fly ash and applied in the construction of residential units. The newly formed JV is going to first open a factory where it produces cellular light concretes and later engage in Addis Ababa’s real estate and condominium housing schemes.

Pinnacle –Berlani Partnerships’ chairman, Luciano Berlani, described the product as one of the most dependable and an emerging concrete technology globally. “We have built around 300,000 houses in Turkey, Germany, and Tunisia in the past decade,” he furthered.

The major ingredient for the production of cellular lightweight concrete blocks, fly ash, is an industrial waste produced by coal combustion and cannot be easily disposed. “It solves the problem of disposal of fly ash while at the same time reducing the cost of construction,” Berlani explained the merits of using the technology.

The Miami based company is not going to be involved in the construction of houses and its involvement is going to be limited to setting up the factory that will produce the CLC, Berlani noted. “It will even be more affordable and more fascinating to attract Ethiopians who are waiting for the 40/60 housing scheme,” he furthered.

Tekleberhan Ambaye (Eng.), president of Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction, on his part explained the newly formed JV was realized after his company had an agreement with the Ethiopian Government to be an option in the state sponsored housing scheme. “We are aiming at offering more options and technology to the people who might be interested,” he added.

Source: The Reporter