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MIGA’s Vise President Visiting Ethiopia

migaMultilateral Investment Guarantee Agency’s (MIGA) Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Michel Wormser, is visiting Ethiopia from July 8 to July 11, 2014. According to the press release by MIGA, the visit is to underscores the Agency’s continued support to Ethiopia’s development goals via private investment.

MIGA is the political risk insurance and credit enhancement arm of the World Bank Group.

The purpose of the visit is to identify to enhance Ethiopia with mobilizing capital for important projects and job creating enterprises that will help the nation meet its development objectives. According to the press release projects that are regarded as “important projects” include infrastructure, energy, agribusiness, and manufacturing sectors.

Wormser commenting on his trip said, “The purpose of my trip is to underscore our willingness to continue to support foreign direct investment in Ethiopia and identify priority areas where MIGA’s support can be the most helpful in advancing the country’s development agenda”.

The Agency has extended its support to private investment in Ethiopia in agribusiness and manufacturing.

Source: MIGA Press Release