Thursday, 9 June 2011
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism said Tuesday that it had finalized preparations to apply a new classification for tourist facilities.
Manpower, quality of utensils, interior and exterior scenery, and care for customers' security are among the classifying criteria, Tadelech Dalecho, Minister of State for Culture and Tourism, said. And it will be revised at the interval of three years.
Tadelech said that the former classification had to be changed for it was no longer compatible with international standards. She said new classification would be given to hotels from one to five stars level, including deluxe, restaurants, lodges and pensions from 13 June 2011 onwards. Implementation of the new classification will start throughout the country before the current fiscal year ends in collaboration with regional bureaus of tourism, Tadelech said.
She called upon tourist facilities to provide all relevant information to pertinent bodies.
Source: Ethiopian News Agency