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Ethiopia Approves New Standards for Goods & Services

The National Standards Council of Ethiopia approved 536 additional standards on goods and services. The new standards are part of the national strategic goals explained Legesse Genre, Director of the Ethiopian Standards Agency.

The standards for cement, fertilizers, metal products, health care equipment, pumps, leather and leather products were approved by the NSC. Twelve health care facility standards are compulsory out of the total of 536 standards.

These products are significant in national economic goals in the areas of construction, agriculture and industry said Legesse.

It is expected that the standards will encourage competitiveness amongst suppliers of goods and services with an end towards supporting the export sector he explained.

The Ethiopian Standards Agency is the only national standards organization representing the country with regards to standard benefits across regional and international arenas. The ESA also works closely with various national standard bodies under bilateral bodies.

Source: Ethiopian Herald