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Ethiopian Revenues Request Procurement Lists from NGOs

The Revenues and Customs Authority of Ethiopia has requested that all Non Governmental Organizations to submit their service and goods procurement lists for the past four years.

ERCA has requested that the NGOs received a letter from the authority with an attached form to deliver the requested information according to sources. The organizations are expected to deliver the information within a month.

The NGOs are expected to state the name of their suppliers for goods and services procured in the past four years along with their tax identification number. The authority requires all goods and services procured in the country and imports to be filled out on the form with the full information of the providers.

The one month time frame established by ERCA may prove insufficient for the NGOs to compile with the requirements said sources.

It is to be remembered that NGOs have duty-free privileges for all purchases in relation with their humanitarian and charity activities.

Source: Capital