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Du Pont to Diversify in Ethiopia

Du Pont, an American Fortune 100 company, is set to expand and diversify operations in Ethiopia.

The company aims to provide what Ethiopian farmers need by providing selected seeds as its revenue in the region said Jim Borel, Vice President of Du Pont.

The company has meet with Tefera Derbew, Minister of Agriculture and is in the process of enhancing its seed production and conditioning facilities in Ethiopia for maize production explained Borel.

Du Pont is expanding its selection of seeds and conditioning facilities following the notable increase in harvest seen by farmers who have used the company’s produce.  

It aims to capitalize on one of the more significant challenges in the world; food security he noted.

Food security is an issue that defines our time and is part of the broader focus in Ethiopia in agriculture and nutrition although the company may consider diversifying to manufacturing in the future as the economy grows added Borel.

There are more than 320,000 farmers in Ethiopia currently using the selected seeds produced by Du Pont.

The company is intent on defining its strategies which aim to provide food security internationally by committing 10 billion US dollars to Research and Design globally and introducing 4000 new products as well as educating and engaging young people and enhancing rural communities.  

Source: The Reporter