Mobile | +251 988 636838 |
Mobile 2 | +251 904 040929 |
Sub City | Yeka |
Woreda | 06 |
Location | Yeka Wereda 06, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
Primary Category | Service | አግልግሎት |
Kenatu, Dagmawit and Friends Landscape Design :- engaged landscape development services in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.We provide both interior and exterior landscape garden plantation services for homes, residences, industrial spaces, hotels and businesses.
Our Services
ቀናቱ፣ ዳግማዊት እና ጓደኞቻቸው ገፀ ምድር ማስዋብ ስራ :-የምንሰጣቸዉ አገልግሎት