Manaye Gebeyehu and Their Friends Textile PLC

Mobile +125 921 742290
Sub City Kirkos
Woreda 04
LocationKirkos 04, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Primary CategoryTraditional Clothes, Souvenirs, Arts, Crafts
Manaye Gebeyehu and Their Friends Textile PLC

Manaye Gebeyehu and Their Friends Textile PLC:- is a clothing products manufacturer in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.We Produce different cloth.

Our Products:

  • Women's Dresses
  • Kid's Cloth
  • Cultural Cloth

ማናዬ ገበየሁ እና ጓደኞቻቸው የሽመና ስራ፦ የተለያዩ የሽመና ውጤቶችን እናመርታለን

    • የሴቶች ቀሚስ 
    • የህጻናት አልባሳት
    • ባህላዊ ልብሶች