Phone +251 986 525252
Mobile +251 911 220227
Mobile 2 +251 966 256202
Mobile 3 +251 911 526892
Sub City Akaki Kality
Woreda 12
Business Type Private
LocationOn the road from Lebu to Akaki, Gelan Condominium, Near Hyundai Car Center (Marathon Motors), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Primary CategoryVehicles & Cargo Bodies & Assembly

ANTA METAL ENGINEERING SOLUTION, a company in Ethiopia founded by well-experienced shareholders, obtained its license in Grade-4 vehicle body manufacturing with an investment capital of 150 million birr. ANTA is the first-of-its-kind and a well-known company in the country specializing in the vehicle parts manufacturing business. It is headquartered in Addis Ababa, near the Kality Industry Zone, on the way from Bishoftu to Haile Garment. ANTA has been established in accordance with the laws of the country under the legal name of ANTA TRADING PLC.

At its apex of leadership, ANTA has a board of directors drawn from academic and business circles, as well as individuals whose professional mix brings together engineering, law, and business. The company employs a team of qualified and experienced individuals for managerial as well as frontline positions.

Vision, Mission and Motto


To be a market leader in delivering innovative vehicles and quality services to the land of origin and beyond


To deliver real value in manufacturing services


Where true quality has no measure

አመሠራረት (Establishment)

አንታ ሜታል ኢንጂነሪንግ ሶልዩሽን በዘርፉ የረዥም ዓመት ልምድ ባካበቱ ባለ አክሲዮኖች እና በአገራችን የቢዝነስ ሕግ መሠረት የተመሠረተ ኩባንያ ነው። 

አንታ ሜታል ኢንጂነሪንግ ሶልዩሽን በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የደረጃ 4 የተሸከርካሪ አካል አምራች ፈቃድ ካላቸው ጥቂት ኩባንያዎች ውስጥ አንዱ ሲሆን፣ ኩባንያውን ለማስፋፋት እስከ 150 ሚሊዮን ብር ካፒታል መድቦ በመንቀሳቀስ ላይ ይገኛል።

ኩባንያችን በአገራችን በሀገራችን የተሸከርካሪ አካል ዝማኔን (technology) በማሳደግ እና የተለየ (specialize) በማድረግ የበኩሉን ድርሻ እየተወጣ የሚገኝ ነው።

በዋናነት የምናመርታቸው ምርቶች (Main Products)

  • ቫን (Container)
  • አውቶቡስ (Bus)
  • ስፖንዳ (Carry truck) እና
  • የተለያዩ የብረታ ብረት ውጤቶች

የድርጅቱ ራዕይ፣ ተልዕኮ እና መመሪያ

ራዕይ (Vision)

ዘመናዊና ጥራታቸውን የጠበቁ የተሽከርካሪ አካላትን አምርቶ በማቅረብ በአገራችን ገበያ መሪ ሆኖ መገኘት

ተልዕኮ (Mission)

ጥራት ያላቸውን የተሽከርካሪ አካላት አምርቶ ማቅረብ

መመሪያ (Motto)

እውነተኛ ጥራት መለኪያ የለውም

አድራሻችን - ADDRESS

ዋና መሥሪያ ቤት:- አዲስ አበባ፣ አቃቂ ቃሊቲ ክፍለ ከተማ፣ ወረዳ 12 ኢንዱስትሪ ዞን (ከመሃል ከተማ ለሚመጣ ሰው በኃይሌ ጋርመንት አድርጎ ወደ ገላን ኮንዶሚኒየም የሚወስደውን አዲሱን ሃይዌይ መንገድ ይዞ፣ ከማራቶን ሞተርስ/ሃዩንዳይ መኪና መገጣጠሚያ/ ዝቅ ብሎ
ስልክ፡- 0986 5252 52 / 0911 5268 92 / 0911 2202 27 / 0966 2562 02