Lidiya, Teshale and Friends Traditional Cloth Wholesale | ሊዲያ፣ ተሻለ እና ጓደኞቻቸዉ ባህላዊ አልባሳት ንግድ

Mobile +251 911 680422
Sub City Nefas Silk
Woreda 06
LocationNefas Silk Woreda 06, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Primary CategoryTraditional Clothes, Souvenirs, Arts, Crafts
Lidiya, Teshale and Friends Traditional Cloth Wholesale | ሊዲያ፣ ተሻለ እና ጓደኞቻቸዉ ባህላዊ አልባሳት ንግድ

Lidiya Teshale and Friends Traditional Cloth Wholesale:- We give Ethiopian traditional clothes wholesale service  in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Some of Our products are:-

  • Traditional Clothing
  • Traditional Bags

ሊዲያ፣ ተሻለ እና ጓደኞቻቸዉ ባህላዊ አልባሳት ንግድ :- የምንሰጣቸው አገልግሎቶች

  • የሃገር ባህል ልብሶች
  • የሃገር ባህል ቦርሳዎች

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