Melon Kidest and Friends Construction Consulting P/S | ሜሎን ቅድስት እና ጓደኞቻቸው ኮንስትራክሽን አማካሪ ህ/ሽ/ማ

Mobile +251 910417025
Mobile 2 +251 929235424
LocationAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Primary CategoryConstruction and Engineering | ኮንስትራክሽን እና ምህንድስና
Melon Kidest and Friends Construction Consulting P/S | ሜሎን ቅድስት እና ጓደኞቻቸው ኮንስትራክሽን አማካሪ ህ/ሽ/ማ

Melon Kidest and Friends Construction Consulting P/S is an Ethiopian engineering firm. Our firm provides architectural and engineering consultancy, Design review, supervision and contract administration in Ethiopia.
ሜሎን ቅድስት እና ጓደኞቻቸው ኮንስትራክሽን አማካሪ ህ/ሽ/ማ

የምንሰጣቸው አገልግሎቶች በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ እና ፈጣን የማስረከቢያ ጊዜ በብቁ ባለሞያዎች ጋር

  •  የዲዛይን ማሻሻያ ሥራ( Design review)
  • የግንባታ ክትትል ሥራ( supervision)
  • ውል የማስተዳደር ሥራ( contract administration)
  • ማሻሻያ እና ማስፋፍያ ሥራ
  • አዲስ ንድፍ ስራ እና ማማከር(Consulting Service)


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