Al-Akl Trading PLC (Ambassador Bottled Water)

Phone +251 118 29 96 66
Mobile +251 910 09 66 66
Mobile 2 +251 911 74 11 10
LocationTatek Oromia Industry Area, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Primary CategoryBottling (drinks)
Al-Akl Trading PLC (Ambassador Bottled Water)

Al–Akl Trading PLC has been investing mainly in bottling factories (Ambassador Purified Water). It is also involved in importing goods and the merchandising process in Ethiopia. Based on this, we aim to reach the highest business classes with better quality and passion. We strive to reach our target based on our vision and mission.

Ambassador Bottling Water has been operational since early 2016.


Our vision is to be the first choice with our goods and products; to reach doorsteps all over the nation, fulfilling demands; as well as to export our product (Ambassador Water) to neighboring countries.


  • To manufacture and provide brand quality packaged bottled water (Ambassador Purified Water), and other quality goods
  • To reach every home with a fair price
  • To be the ambassador the water bottling industry
  • To a model for new manufacturing industries

Ambassdor National

Products and Services(4 Images)

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