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Ethiopia: Ashegoda Wind Power Plant Back Online After War Disruption

Wind Power

The Ashegoda Wind Power Plant in Tigray is back in operation after a three-year hiatus caused by the war in the north. Commissioned in 2014, the wind farm plays a key role in supplying clean energy to the region.

Moges Mekonen, Director of Corporate Communications for Ethiopian Electric Power, highlighted the challenges brought on by the war. Essential repairs were delayed, forcing the plant to shut down. However, progress has been made in restoring functionality. With 22 of the 54 three-bladed turbines repaired, the station has resumed electricity generation, averaging 25 megawatts. Inspections and testing are underway on additional five turbines, expected to be operational soon. Ashegoda Wind Farm boasts a total of 84 turbines, with a mix of 54 three-bladed and 30 two-bladed models.

Three out of the four wind power plants in the country – Adama 1, Adama 2, and Ashegoda – are now fully operational. The Aisha Wind Power Plant is also partially online.

Source: Sheger FM 102.1