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Ethiopia: Commission Won the 2017 United Nations Award

Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) was awarded the ‘2017 United Nations Award’ for “outstanding performance in targeted promotion, facilitation and execution of sustainable investment projects” at Geneva, Switzerland.

The announcement was made at the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) ninth Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission.

It was EIC’s Commissioner, Fitsum Arega, that received the award. The Commissioner was accompanied by Negash Kibret, Ethiopian Ambassador to the UN.

According to the Commission, “In particular, the sustainable features of Ethiopia’s industrialization approach, the targeted investor recruitment strategy that resulted in the attraction of leading global firms in Hawassa Industrial Park and the facilitation provided to the firms was highly commendable as exemplary for other countries.”

EIC also noted that; “Ethiopia’s deliberate policy choice to promote labor-intensive industries such as textile and apparel that is providing job opportunities for the youth and create equal opportunities for women; its compliance with high social and environmental standards on the development and operation of the industrial park; and its dedicated effort in establishing the OSS and other investor-friendly reforms all contributed to the decision to grant this award to Ethiopia.”

Source: The Reporter