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Ethiopia: Service Collected 193 Million Birr from Disposal Sales

Ethiopia’s Public Procurement and Property Disposal Service earned 193 million Birr from the disposal of used materials in the just concluded fiscal year. The revenue was generated from the sales of scraps metals, vehicles and other office materials.

44 federal offices sold 267 vehicles brining 41.5 million Birr while 69 offices sold office equipment and materials for 11 million Birr. 141 million Birr was also earned from the sales of scrap metals by 69 federal offices.

The performance shows a two fold increase from the target set. It has also improved by more than 100 million Birr when compared to the previous fiscal year.

The government office has also faced some problems such as negligence and being reluctant to hand over sold materials. Other problems the Service faced were missing materials after contract are signed and failing to provide full information.

Source: Fortune