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Ethiopia: Jimma Airport Gets 250 Million Birr Upgrade

Ethiopian Airports Enterprise (EAE) is to inaugurate its upgraded airport in Jimma on May 16, 2015, Addis Fortune reported.

Aba Segud Airport was one of the oldest built in 1961 along with Addis Ababa, Asmara and Dire Dawa.

The airstrip of the old one was two kilometers long and 45 meters wide and could accommodate Fokker-50 and the terminal could welcome only 52 passengers at a time.

The upgraded airport has now 3.3 kilometers long asphalt, concrete and 60 meters wide airstrip and can accommodate Boeing 737 Jetliners.

Additionally, the airport has constructed new one-storey passenger terminal on 3,960 square meters plot of land that can serve 236 passengers at a time.

Yirgalem General Construction Plc and Varnero Construction Plc (Italian firm) undertook the upgrading work in 2009.

The new airport will be beneficial in exporting commodities such as Coffee, hides and skins and boost the number of tourists flow to the area, according to Kebede Birru, Head of Safety Management and Regional Coordination Office at EAE.

EAE was established as a public enterprise in January 2003 by the Council of Ministers.

EAE currently administer 21 airports across Ethiopia.

Source: Addis Fortune