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Ethiopia: Five Flour to Start Production in Two Months

Five wheat processing factories that were built at the cost of 153 million Birr in Amhara State, Ethiopia, will commence operation in two months. The factories are built in East Gojam Zone and they consumed 153 million Birr.

Out of the five factories three of them are built by farmers’ cooperative. The rest two are owned by private investors.

As the factories go fully operational they are expected to have a capacity of processing over 1,000 quintals of wheat every day.

Mesel Worku, Zonal Cooperatives Manager, noted the Zone is known for its abundant wheat. He added farmers will be able to supply enough input to the factories and there are also preparations taking place to utilize waste products of the factories owned by the cooperatives.

According to Ethiopian News Agency (ENA), the Zone produces and brings to the market a total of five million Quintals.

Haimanot Belte, general manager of Selam Flour Factory, said his company is building a pasta and macaroni factory in addition to the wheat factory.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency