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Selamawit, Yonas and Friends Terrazzo and Pricast P/S | ሰላማዊት፣ ዮናስ እና ጓደኞቻቸው ቴራዞ እና ፕሪካስት ህ.ሽ.ማ

Mobile +251 913 063133
Sub City Yeka
Woreda 12
LocationYeka, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Primary CategoryMicro and Small Enterprises in Ethiopia | ጥቃቅን እና አነስተኛ ድርጅቶች
Selamawit, Yonas and Friends Terrazzo and Pricast P/S | ሰላማዊት፣ ዮናስ እና ጓደኞቻቸው ቴራዞ እና ፕሪካስት ህ.ሽ.ማ

Selamawit, Yonas and Friends Terrazzo and Pricast P/S :- is a company that makes Terrazzo and other construction materials equipment in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

ሰላማዊት፣ ዮናስ እና ጓደኞቻቸው ቴራዞ እና ፕሪካስት ህ.ሽ.ማ  :-የተለያዩ የቴራዞ እና ፕሪካስቶችን በጥራት እና በጥንካሬ እናመርታለን።

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