A foreign national would like to sell a 2018 Ford Transit


Bid closing date
No specific Closing Date and Time
Bid opening date
No specific Closing Date and Time
Published on
2merkato.com (May 06, 2021)
Bid document price
Bid bond

Notice for the Sale of Vehicle - Passenger Van (2018 Ford Transit)

A foreign national would like to sell a 2018 Ford Transit.  It's a large passenger van (12 seats, including the driver) and is suitable for commercial purpose.

  1. The picture and various details of the vehicle can be viewed following this link: https://2merkato.com/images/downloads/JP_Wedd_Ford_Transit_2018_Model.pdf 
  2. The Customs declaration can be viewed following this link: https://2merkato.com/images/downloads/JP_Wedd_Customs_Import_Declaration_2019.pdf 

The initial bid price is ETB 1,500,000 (ETB 1.5 million). This does not include any taxes or duty owed.

Potential buyers interested in buying the vehicle can contact the owner:

Owner’s Name: Mr. Jonathan Wedd

Email: Weddjj29@gmail.com 

Phone: +251 911 254731

There is no bid closing or opening date and those who contact the owner earlier have a better chance of winning the bid.


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