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Ethiopian Capital to Inaugurate Deep Well Project

The Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Water and Sewage Authority inaugurated the Akaki deep well project last Sunday.

The Akaki deep well project, which took 500 million birr to finalize, is expected to deliver 73 thousand m3 of water daily.

It took three years to complete the first and second part of the Akaki deep well project.

The Akaki deep will increase the supply of the water to meet 93% of total demand following the rapid growth in the water consumed by the city over the last few years explained Birhanu Gessesse, Communication Officer of AAWSA.

AAWSA aims to launch 46 more deep well projects in the Akaki vicinity. It is expected that wells will be funded through a financing agreement reached with the World Bank and the Export and Import Bank of China.

The new wells will provide an additional 140 thousand m3 of water daily realizing a 100% supply to meet the demand in Addis Ababa.

The authority supplies 301 thousand m3 of water a day meeting just 73% of the demand in capital according to Birhanu.

Following the rapid growth seen in the populations and size of Addis Ababa and adjoining areas the demand for potable water requiring AAWSA to seek out additional sources of water.

With this end in mind the authority expects to launch an additional water project around the Suluta area expected to be completed over the next three to five years.

AAWSA is in the process of preparing a study and design for the Suluta project as part of the water supply component.

Source: Capital