Here is the daily commodity trade data from Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX) for items traded on 04 September 2024.
Unwashed Export Coffee |
Symbol |
Average Price |
Godere |
3,337 |
Local Coffee |
Symbol |
Average Price |
Local Unwashed |
LU |
3,734 |
Local Washed |
LW |
5,270 |
Red Kidney Pea Beans |
Symbol |
Average Price |
Wolaita |
4,100 |
Wollega Sesame |
Symbol |
Average Price |
Whitish Wollega |
10,767 |
Humera Gonder Sesame |
Symbol |
Average Price |
Whitish Humera Gonder |
15,046 |
Soya Beans |
Symbol |
Average Price |
Gonder |
5,450 |
Speckled Beans |
Symbol |
Average Price |
White Gray Speckled Beans |
3,481 |
- For Coffee price is in (Birr/Feresula), 1Feresula = 17Kg.
- For all other commodities, price is in (Birr/Quintals), 1 Quintal = 100Kg.
- To get more commodity trade information, you may call ECX on short number 929 or text to them on short number 934.