Phone | +251 111 712179 |
Phone 2 | +251 111 712180 |
Mobile | +251 97 454532 |
Location | Semen Hotel, Darule Building, 8th Floor, #803, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
Primary Category | Construction and Engineering |
ዮናታን አርአያ የኮንሰትራክሽን እቃዎች አከራይና አስመጪ ድርጅት በኢትዮጵያ የጣልያን ስሪት የሆኑ ቫኔል፣ ስካፎልዲንግ፣ ቪም አጆ እና የኮለን ማሰሪያ (ክራቮት) የሚያከራይ ድርጅት ነው።
Yonatan Araia Construction Equipment and Materials Rent and Import is a company in Ethiopia engaged in import and rental of construction materials and equipment/industrial form work systems/ Italy made panel poly woods, scaffolding, beam H and cravat.