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Ethiopia: Construction of Genale Dawa III Reached 91%

Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MWIE) disclosed the construction of Genale Dawa III hydro-electric power project has reached 91 percent completion rate. By the time the power plant starts generating energy, it is expected to generate 254 Megawatts.

According to Dr. Eng. Seleshi Bekele, Minister for Water, Irrigation and Electricity, installation of electromechanical works which would enable the plant to generate hydropower are in progress. Filling the dam, with a capacity of 2.57 billion cubic meters of water, would commence soon, the Minister explained.

Deputy Manager of the Project, Belachew Kasa, explained construction of the power house, water outlet and tunnels, drilling of caves and 12.4 kilometers of transmission were completed. The project used earth drilling machine, abandoning its previous practice of using dynamites, he added.

According to Belachew, 70 percent of the professional staffs hired by the project were Ethiopians. The project also was a proof of the university-industry linkage were many students got professional site skills and transfer of technology, he added.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency