Access Predicts Continued Price Increases in Ethiopia

A survey conducted by Access Capital Services anticipates continued price increases in the next quarter in Ethiopia. Access  surveyed businesses and retailers across Addis Ababa for anticipated prices on their goods for a three month period. 

It is expected that 103 items of a total of 184 surveyed will increase in price in the next three months according to the survey results. Amongst items expected to increase in price are all types of meat, house rentals and construction.

The survey discovered that two thirds of the 184 items surveyed are expected to show year on year price increases in the double digits.

It is estimated that the inflation rate for good and services in the next quarter will be 6.6%.  This is a 10.5% decline due to the decrease in vegetable prices with the end of the harvesting season.

Decline can also be expected in the price of cement due to increased production.  The price of cooking oil declined due to government intervention to augment supplies with large scale imports and the price of wood is expected to fall due to seasonal factors.

The 184 goods and services surveyed were categorized into construction and building materials, consumer goods, urban land lease prices, construction machinery and rental, freight charges water, energy and fuel tariffs, residential house rental and sale prices, wages as well as consumer goods.  

Access estimated a 23 percent average year-on-year inflation rate for the 184 goods and services surveyed. The inflation estimate offered by Access is close to the 25% year-on-year inflation reported for Addis Ababa by the Central Statistical Agency in October 2011.

Source: Capital